Water comes after oxygen for the vital functions of a human being. The water in our body enables the production of magnetic and electrical energy. This energy production also gives us life force, that is, energy.
When asked what is the healthiest water, our answer will undoubtedly be alkaline water. In this content, we have compiled topics such as what is alkaline water, what does alkaline water do, alkaline water benefits. Have a pleasant reading!
Alkaline water has names such as alkaline ionizer water, basic water. To better understand what the name alkaline ionizer water means, the meaning of terms such as ion, ionizer should be known. Ion is a term used to express that the charges in the nucleus of the atom are not equal. The definition of ionizer is a name given to the ionization process of the atom.
The purification of water from harmful substances changes the neutral balance of the atomic nucleus. With this process, water becomes basic, that is, its pH value increases. Ph value is a free hydrogen ion measurement system that shows acid-base ratios. Ph value is also related to carbon dioxide, bicarbonate, carbonate balance. Although the ph value of normal water is mostly at neutral values (7), the alkaline water ionizer ph value is in the range of 7.5-8.5. The reduction of carbon dioxide ensures the production of alkaline water.
When the pH value increases, the antioxidant properties increase along with the oxygen level in the water. It helps to remove toxins that show acidic properties in the body. Water with high pH value contains bicarbonate, magnesium, silica, potassium and calcium. It is also very rich in minerals.
Low pH waters, i.e. acidic waters, allow heavy metals to dissolve. This is very harmful for human health. The Regulation on Water Intended for Human Consumption states that the pH value range of water that should be consumed is 6.5-9.2. Since the pH value of blood is 7.35-7.45, it has a slightly acidic feature. Therefore, it is recommended to drink more water with a pH value above 7, that is, with basic properties.
As a result of various studies, it has been concluded that alkaline water has many benefits for our health. We can list the 4 main benefits of alkaline water as follows:
Apart from these, the benefits of alkaline water are as follows:
Water with high acidic value can cause bacteria or fungus formation on the skin. For this reason, it also has benefits for skin health.
You can also prepare alkaline water yourself at home. You can buy it in the form of drops from the pharmacy, mix it with filtered clean water and consume it. However, the point you should pay attention here is to use the recommended amount. If you drip too much, the taste of your water may deteriorate.
Instead, if you want to prepare it yourself at home, you can add 1 tablespoon of baking soda to 2 liters of filtered clean water. Or you can squeeze natural apple cider vinegar or half a lemon into 1 glass of water and get alkaline water. After it is made, care should be taken to consume it within the first 24 hours.
If you are using a water purifier in your home , you can add an alkaline water filter to your water purifier. The alkaline filter helps you get a healthy water by increasing the ph value of the treated water.
The most important point to be considered for those who want to make alkaline water is that the water used must be clean and filtered water. It is very important to have clean water free from various chemicals and harmful bacteria. Water purifier with reverse osmosis technology with clean and filtered, healthy water access is possible.
In addition to all these, it is recommended that people with a chronic illness, pregnant women and children should get a physician's advice on water consumption.